One year and one week ago a friend persuaded to to finally get my art website up and running and to do a blog. The site was one year old last week and is currently being tweaked, but my blog officially started a week later. As I know I have a few new lookers every week and quite a few re-lookers I thought I'd revisit some of my favourite parts. Bumper issue this week. Thank you to all who checked in throughout the year, hope you enjoy this weeks blog. Comment section is always ready for any contribution you would like to add in anyway ![]() ART Lets get one thing straight I'm not biased in saying Steve Whyman is Europe’s Premier Motorcycle Artist it says so on his strap line for his website. But don't ask me, just go and visit Valentino Rossi in his villa (if you can find it of course) or Marc Marquez at his parents place (presumably) and see his paintings hanging on the walls. So how did I find Steve? Well....
![]() After a conversation about 'stuff' I bought a slim pic, but it was to be delivered after the race. I mean what motor biker or even car driver do you know that would wander round a muddy track for hours holding a painting that is 5ft by 1ft and then ride off into the sunset with it strapped to your hump (no not that hump, the bike hump at the back called a seat cowl) like a boy racers oversized spoiler. It was going to arrive from KNK galleries in Nottingham (Kap is amazing – he now does my frames and prints). I do know where Rossi lives, however I wish I had a photographic memory, you see earlier (not that long before I arrived at the stand) VR had paid a visit and ordered one, signed the order book and left a delivery address. I am proud to say that this former Commonwealth Pole Vault record holder's address is on the back of VR somewhere in a metal vault. Here's Steve showing you how he does it. Has Steve painted your favourite racer? Why not check out his site. Steve is also on Twitter and Facebook The link to the rest of this blog is here if you are interested 'Vrrroomm' ![]() BEER Tiny Rebel – Cwtch – 4.6% According to the Urban Dictionary Cwtch is Welsh for an affectionate hug. Bless the bear he looks like he could do with some love. Cwtch is a Welsh Red Ale with six malts and two lots of Hops added to this beer. It has a Tropical fruit aroma, maybe Papaya with a hint of Dragon Fruit too. It's definitely has a Tropical taste too. Not an Um Bongo 'You drink it in the Congo' sweet taste. More like a minuet sweetness with the Tropical taste, alcohol, hint of hops, malt and less viscosity (that's a big posh word for me!). It's very drinkable and nice too. Let’s get one thing straight though I did buy the beer for the arty Teddy Beer! Oh and it read well on the side of the bottle. See you can judge a beer by it's cover. I will definitely go back for more and even grab the 'Dirty Stop Out' Want to Know more about Tiny Rebel? Here you GO. The blog entitled 'A Challenge to TV Chef' is here ![]() Samichlaus Classic Bier 14% - The Worlds Most Extraordinary Beer In the bottle all I could smell was malt, but when it hit the glass oh my word, boy did I get an inhale of alcohol, not sure what else I could smell I sniffed that hard my eyes were starting to water (better let it breathe). The back label states it's brewed once a year on the 6th December, then aged 10months before the bottling. Well the front label says it was bottled in 2013. Still well within it's best before date of 2019, I wonder what it would taste like in four years? Too late now! Taken a while to get the flavours it's almost like a dark rum after taste, lots of Molasses and Dates, maybe be a bit of stewed Plum? This Austrian number is actually a Lager beer a Bavarian Doppelbock (learning all the time) which will have been fermented and conditioned at low temperatures. I will defiantly be staggering (Yep I drank it way to quick again!) back to the bar I purchased it from to get another bottle of this rare number – if it is still in stock. Hic! 'It's Christmas' Blog is where this beer features ![]() COVERED IN WEEDS Now this may or may not be true, you decide. I like Greek mythology so I'm going with this as to why a bunch of Daffodils became known as Narcissus. Apparently there are a few versions of this story but I like this one (modified slightly).. Once upon a time Narcissus who was a sexy looking hunter (apparently) took a walk in the woods when Echo, a mountain nymph saw him, she immediately fell deeply in love, and followed/stalked him whichever way you view it. Narcissus realised he was being followed and shouted "Who's there?". Echo repeated "Who's there?". Eventually Echo revealed her identity and attempted to give him a hug. “Ey what ya doin Lass? Ger off me, tha dunt do that wi out an invite. Get on ya way” He may have said. Echo was well and truly heartbroken and spent the rest of her life in the lonely Glens until nothing but an echo sound remained of her. Nemisis, the goddess of Revenge (not Emily if you're watching the American TV series), learned of this story and decided to punish Narcissus. Nemisis then lured him to a pool where he saw his own reflection. Stupidly he didn't realize it was only a reflection of himself and fell in love with it! He couldn't leave the image of himself alone and eventually drowned. After his death up popped a bunch of Daffodils - Narcissus in the ground where he had died. This blog was entitled 'Narcissus you plonker' ![]() MUSINGS Decided to go far a walk last Sunday down by the Marsh area that acts as an over flow for the local river. It' been turned in to a nature reserve and is a nice place for a quick walk. Along this walk I look out for the Longhorn Cows which graze in the area where the ducks swim along. Sometimes they are moved to a different field. Me and My Man were looking looking out for wildlife with general wildlife chitchat. Anyway My Man points out a couple of crows and starts to tell me some Crow info. So I'm all ears and taking it all in. This is what he told me... “ There was Research done awhile ago by the RSPB for the Highways Agency as they found a total of 200 dead crows just a little further up the road”. The road being the M6 He continued that there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu. “The RSPB Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to everyone's relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts. But, during the detailed analysis it was noted that varying colours of paints appeared on the bird's beaks and claws. So they analysing the paint residues it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.” Wow I said it's amazing what they can do with technology these days, didn't realise they had every vehicle paint in the database. So had someone dumped paint on the land or something? That's really bad!” “Well” My Man continued “The RSPB then hired an Bird Behaviourist to determine if there was a cause for the percentages of truck kills versus car kills. The Behaviourist very quickly concluded the cause: when crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger. The scientific conclusion was that while all the lookout crows could say "Cah, Cah", none could say "Lorry" He had a straight face all the way through this and sucked me in further and further. Even on the punchline I was still believing it until the satellite delay kicked in and I cried with laughter. And even to this day I am still laughing. There is noway on this earth even under duress will I ever be able to repeat this without starting the whole conversation off with a big cheesy grin. This blog was named 'Crow Carnage'
For my American viewers who have just celebrated Thanks Giving and to any rock fan. Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner (LA Forum 1970) Sound Quality isn't very good I featured this tune last week Boom Boom Boom Boom (feat. Terrence Howard and Bre-Z) and whilst I was watching CSI New Orleans I heard this track and wondered if they had been inspired by the Blues like many people before them. John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom Don't forget to leave a comment/question. Thanks for popping by, have a great week ahead.
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Places to visit Whitby Robin Hoods Bay Sweetheart Abbey (Scotland) Isle of Wight P1 Isle of Wight P2 Stoke-on-Trent HoleHird Gardens (Cumbria) Brougham Hall (Cumbria) My Journey to Cumbria and brewing beer!
Part One - Friends, Neighbours and Countymen Part Two Life's Sliding Door Moment Part Three Brewer - That's not a Job Title I Expected! |